introduction to 199903 xyz mail
This mail is pretty simple, so it has an alias domain
You can reach it via either domain below.
XYA Mail (upgraded from
I use the system for myself everyday, it has the following advantages.
- Simple, fast, no ADs.
- Good delivery quality. The outgoing messages use commercial SMTP relay.
- Webmail powered by Squirrelmail, which is clean and lite, even doesn't require JS to work.
- Every main account at has got the same alias at automatically.
- You can add your own alias domain, all messages sent to the domain email will be forwarded to your main account.
- User can access email from either webmail or clients, both in secure way.
Below is the screenshot for webmail with multi-sender identity.

What you see from the screenshot has three senders included:
- The main account at, which is used for login.
- User's alias domain email, which can be any address since catchall for alias domain is enabled.
- System alias at
If you have any interests in this mail service, please don't hesitate to drop me an email.